The Holiday Card Hoax
My talented sister-in-law created holiday cards for me this year. I sent her the digital files from a professional photo shoot, and she worked her creative magic.
Our card this year is a portrait of joy and serenity. We all have nice smiles, crisp outfits, and clean hair. Here it is:
But really, it's not us. The truth is our lives look nothing like this picture. On a daily basis, Amelia refuses to brush her hair. Duncan bites the other kids at school. I’m wearing my pajama top as a bra until dinner. We're far from put together.
I suddenly felt bad sending out these cards. I don’t want to create the false perception that my life is easy breezy. I don’t want my fellow moms, single friends, or distant relatives to think that we eat every meal in elegant attire and family bliss.
We all do it. We all want to show our glory moments, even the ones that only last a split second.
But I wondered why I would send out a picture of a life that wasn’t me. I realized that I wasn’t doing it to impress my friends and family. I was doing it for me; or rather for Future Me.
I don’t want to look back on these difficult years and remember the dark and messy days. I don’t want to remember losing my temper over hair brushing, the angry exchanges with my husband over laundry piles, or the scratchy feeling of stubble on my legs from not shaving for three weeks.
I want Future Me to remember that feeling, even for one moment, when we all showed up clean, happy, and smiling.
You will toss these cards after the holidays are over. But I will keep this card so Future Me will look at these photos in twenty years and forget the sharp edges of the tough times.
I know my long-term memory will be kind and forgiving. This holiday card will help me remember the cheek kisses, Duncan’s little suit coat, and Amelia’s shiny hair - and not the kids fighting over broken crayons, snot-stained dresses, or temper tantrums in the Target checkout line.
Until then, I’m sorry for the pretty photos, and I'll understand if you send me yours.
P.S. Future Me did not let me send this alternate holiday card: